It’s Been A While

At this point, I’ve begun enough blogs with the proverbial “It’s been a while.” So, for the sake of this post, I’m just going to dive right in sans the disclaimers or excuses. Life has been life-ing, and I’ve been rolling along with it. I’m still in consistent weekly therapy and even after almost twelve years, I’m still learning and growing. In fact, I told my therapist recently that I might like to do this until one of us dies.

*This post contains affiliate links for which I may receive a small commission should a purchase result from a click. This, in no way, affects you/your cost. I have personally tried and enjoyed every single wine on this list.*

Death. I think about it a lot…still. And sometimes it’s not even that I’m thinking about it so much as reminded of it. The longer I live, the more clear that adage becomes: Death is a part of life. FYI: I just wrote an entire paragraph and deleted it. Very unlike me.

Part of that growth I was talking about has turned me into a more private person. What’s strange about writing blogs now is that I’d much rather write a book (more on that in a minute) to share my deepest, darkest secrets. Something about the blog feels extra invasive. And trust me, I know that makes absolutely no goddamned sense.

Yes, I’ve started my second book. In fact, I’ve written almost twenty thousand words but I’m still striving to instill a routine that promotes my finishing it. I write full time for mental health and substance abuse treatment now. It’s an absolute blessing. My therapist often reminds me that I used to sit on her couch, telling her “I just want to write,” but felt stuck in the endless rat race that is the corporate fashion world. I’m proud as fuck to be where I am today and happy as fuck with the life I’ve curated: Childless cat lady & all! With that said, part of my inhibitions with sharing any of this revolve around this anxiety that demands I fiercely protect it.

I’m also painfully self aware – so much so that when I use my job as an excuse for not focusing on my second book or keeping up with my blog, I am entirely cognizant of the fact that that is all it is: an excuse. It will happen when it’s supposed to, when the other things I’m working on fall into their proper place. I have a goal, and when I say I’m going to do something, I always do it. That was something my Mama always loved about me, and quite frankly, I love about myself.

For starters, in the coming months, I’ll be integrating my author website with The Road Linds Travels. I’m not quite sure how I’m going to go about doing so just yet but it will happen. I’ve also got some pretty big travel plans set up for 2025 that will surely warrant some good storytelling. People are still reading Swipe Write. In fact, I just did a five-day free promotion, and 182 copies were downloaded. Let’s hope some of those turn into positive reviews for my award-winning memoir about online dating. Ta-ta for now!

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