Seafood Calling at Ports O’ Call Village in San Pedro
Before the days of on-demand, talking Google Maps, and Siri, I decided I wanted to take my mother to Ports O’ Call Village. My mama was where my avid love for seafood must have come from – we could eat bottom feeders like it was nobody’s business! We, unfortunately, got lost and while we ended up having a lovely day regardless, I never tried returning until recently. This time, Google maps and a myriad of street signs guided the way. I was indulging in shrimp and chips and a Modelo faster than you can say, “How was it?”
Well, since you’ve asked, it was awesome! The village along the hustle and bustle of San Pedro’s port was full of energy even on a semi-overcast day with storm clouds swiftly rolling in. The pigeons and seagulls were having the time of their lives, though I suppose every day at Ports of Call is the time of their lives. Between chunks of garlic bread, fried shrimp tails, and curious children willingly handing them leftovers, they had it made!

A four-piece band played traditional Mexican Banda musíca in one corner of the large, communal deck while a mariachi bellowed from another. Families celebrated loved ones’ birthdays with balloons and seafood platters, and alcoholic beverages abound while dozens of security officers kept close watch.
I have one very important thing to say about San Pedro’s Fish Market and Restaurant – the coleslaw. Eat it. It came with my shrimp and chips and who would have thought the coleslaw would have been the selling point? It was delicious! They add bits of pineapple to the mix so it’s got a slightly sweeter taste than your traditional slaw. Again, eat it.

Oh, and the shrimp was pretty damn tasty, as well. The fries were just eh, but the coleslaw made up for the chips’ subpar status. And not gonna lie – I was eyeing the platters what with their piled high dunes of seafood and whole loaves of fresh, buttery garlic bread. I will be returning to partake in said platter.
About forty-five minutes south of Los Angeles (depending on traffic, of course) lay the international seaport of Los Angeles in the community of San Pedro. Vacation goers embark on Baja Mexican cruises and tourists enjoy shortened versions of the harbor as passengers aboard a handful of boat operations. Part of my Sunday Funday included watching large-scale ships sail in with tons of cargo, curious how many of those shipments were sailing in hot waters if you catch my drift – Oh, so many unintended puns, I can hardly stand it!

Upon leaving the village en route to The Korean Friendship Bell, I stumbled upon an industrial area a few blocks away, instantly reveling in Déjà vu. This was where my mama and I sat at a stop sign, stupefied at the insignificance of these indiscreet structures, railroad tracks, and lack of direction. Realizing Ports O’ Call Village and seafood dreams were just two blocks away but the other way that we didn’t go so many years ago made me wish for a do-over, but I wish for those often in terms of my mother.
All in all, my trip to San Pedro’s Ports O’ Call Marketplace was well worth the two-plus hours roundtrip of the proverbial LA traffic. In my next post, read about my visit to the Korean Friendship Bell in Angels Gate Park – a beautiful landmark donated to the people of Los Angeles in 1976 by the Republic of Korea to celebrate the bicentennial of U.S. independence, honor Korean war veterans, and to signify friendship between the two countries.
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