A sometimes hilarious, sometimes sad, always brutally honest account of 20 online dates with 20 different men

“I conducted my part in the relationship with the familiar mentality that if I loved enough, gave enough, and worked hard enough, then things would change. It took me a handful of years later to figure out that if I was ever going to find what I truly wanted and deserved, I had to change.” ~Excerpt from Swipe Write

Lindsay is such a talented writer and storyteller. Her voice in this novel is palpable and you don’t want to put the book down. Her stories are funny, heartbreaking, raw, honest, and relatable. Highly recommend this book!!
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Rave Reviews

"Swipe Write by Lindsay Taylor Dellinger is a tell-all dating memoir you can’t put down and would make an excellent situation comedy.”
"The humor made this a lot of fun to read through quickly and was well written. I would read more from this author...Lots of people will relate to and learn from this while sharing a collective laugh."
Writer's Digest
"One of the most beautifully written books I’ve read in a while...This book is one of the funniest yet emotional books I’ve read...Loved It!"
Amazon Customer